Hmmmm, this particular blog has been a bit neglected, but hopefully now that I have some more time I will get to do more crafty things so I can show you here.
I was tidying up last night when I came across a little box which held some very early attempts at card-making! They were not very nice (at all, in fact!) but rather than throwing them out I decided I would try to salvage them - ever so thrifty, that's me LOL!
I should have taken a 'before' photo but didn't, so here are a couple of the re-touched cards, I think they are definitely an improvement on what I started with last night.
And of course I used all the little bits and pieces I had in my wee scrap bag, so that's even better!
I have always loved pretty pictures and feel it's a shame when you just bin the mags after reading them, so it appears a long time ago I decided to make cards with them, I think the greeting and floral embellishments has improved them somewhat.
Bye for now.
Hola a todos - anoche me puse a ordenar (mision imposible numero 5!) y encontre una cajita con tarjetas que habia hecho hace mucho tiempo atras con recortes de unas revistas. Siempre he sentido que es una lastima botar ciertas revistas ya que tienen fotos tan lindas a veces que obviamente decidi en aquella ocasion usarlas para hacer tarjetas!
En todo caso anoche encontre esas tarjetas y decidi amononarjas un poquito asi es que les agregue las palabras ("que te mejores pronto") y las hojitas y flores - creo que ahora quedaron bastante mas lindas que antes.
Dejenme un comentario con su opinion si desean! Espero saber de ustedes - adios, y hasta la proxima ocasion!